Student Solution


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Week Two Discussion

Week Two Discussion

Q This week, you will once again take a look at a particular accident - Comair 5191. Much like last week, as we are in the beginning stages of this course, the key to understanding organizational causes of accidents is to keep questioning "why" a particular operator error was committed. When you get to these root causes work can begin on eliminating those causes. I'm sorry there's no video this time - you'll have to read the NTSB report (skimming is fine - I realize it is lengthy). There is a quick summary version at the AOPA link, but you will definitely have to read beyond that to understand what happened. So, please discuss what you believe the root causes of the accident to be. Again, please note - there's a lot of "root causes" to go around, and no one person needs to try to cover them all. Just pick one area to discuss initially, and then build on each others' posts.

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I think that the root cause of the accident in case of Comair 5191 had been the way in which complacency or negligence had been evident. The complacency/negligence had been in case of the pilot showing an error in judgment while not calculating the distance of Runway 26. Therefore, the pilot error had been caused because the pilot had wanted to take a shortcut to takeoff the aircraft. Moreover, the pilot had not paid attention to the signs and markings which had been present in the Runway to assist the pilot to change the route of the takeoff or to stop the takeoff by slowing down the aircraft.